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The Dual Solution to Zero-Day Attacks

Microsegmentation and file integrity monitoring (FIM) for peace of mind against zero-day attacks  

When I speak to our clients, it’s clear that zero-day attacks represent one of the most challenging threats to organizations in the year to come. When I tell them that we have the solution—the only solution—that combines behavioral analytics, proactive network defense strategies like microsegmentation, and cutting-edge file integrity monitoring, their sense of relief is actually palpable.

This approach works in tandem to mitigate the risks associated with zero-day attacks, and it’s a pleasure to be able to offer a real and working solution to a rapidly growing problem. I have to be honest; it’s not a difficult sell. 

Understanding Zero-Day Attacks  

Zero-day attacks occur on “day zero” of awareness of the vulnerability, meaning there’s no known fix at the time of the attack. These vulnerabilities are particularly lucrative for cybercriminals because they can exploit them before developers have a chance to issue a patch. Bad actors do this to plant ransomware, install malware, steal PII data, create backdoors, exfiltrate data, and disrupt operations. The initial security incident can further be used as a springboard to launch additional attacks within the same network or against other targets. 

Out of the 69 zero-day vulnerabilities disclosed so far in 2023, 44 were actively exploited from January to September. This is a significant increase from 2022, with 41 zero-day exploits in the wild. [Google] 

The unpredictable nature of zero-day attacks makes them particularly dangerous and difficult to guard against using traditional security measures alone—which is where we come in.  

Microsegmentation: A Proactive Defense Layer  

Microsegmentation, through the TrueFort Platform, is a cybersecurity discipline that involves dividing a network into distinct and secure zones. Each segment or zone having its own security policies and controls, effectively containing potential incidents within a limited area. They may get in, but if they do, they’re going nowhere.

This approach is particularly effective against zero-day attacks for several reasons:  

  • Containment of Security Incidents: In the event of a zero-day exploit, microsegmentation limits the attacker’s ability to move laterally across the network. This containment significantly reduces the potential damage and stops bad actors, exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities, in their tracks.  
  • Tailored Security Policies: Microsegmentation allows for the implementation of customized security policies based on the specific needs and risk profiles, whether it’s an application or an individual, offering more robust protection against unknown threats.  
  • Reduced Attack Surface: By limiting access and privileges to what is necessary for each segment, microsegmentation minimizes the overall attack surface.  

File Integrity Monitoring: The Watchful Eye 

File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) is another critical tool in the fight against zero-day attacks. Our platform continuously monitors and records changes to critical system files, configuration files, and content files— in the data center, in the cloud, or in hybrid environments.  

This monitoring is crucial for several reasons:  

  • Early Detection of Unauthorized Changes: Through our platform, FIM can detect unauthorized changes in real-time, often a sign of a security incident. This prompt detection is vital for responding to zero-day attacks that aren’t immediately recognizable through other means. 
  • Ensuring Compliance and Security Posture: Being shown to be attempting the best possible defense against all forms of attack is becoming regulatory standard. Regular monitoring of file integrity helps in maintaining compliance with various regulatory standards and ensures that the security posture isn’t compromised by undetected changes.  
  • Forensic Analysis: In the aftermath of an attack, FIM provides valuable forensic data that can help in understanding the attack vector and improving future defenses.  

Zero Day Soution: Microsegmentation and FIM  

When combined, microsegmentation and FIM provide a layered defense strategy that addresses both the prevention and detection aspects of zero-day attacks. Microsegmentation’s role in limiting access and movement within the network, paired with FIM’s ability to promptly detect and alert on unauthorized changes, creates a real working defense against these unpredictable and ‘invisible’ threats.

This integrated approach doesn’t just anticipate the unpredictable nature of zero-day threats, it also ensures a solid, multi-layered defense system—keeping their critical assets secure and business operations resilient against the most elusive cyber threats. 

The Reassurance of Microsegmentation and FIM 

Cybersecurity is constantly changing, and zero-day attacks are a prime example of the sophisticated challenges faced by the IT professionals I speak to every day. By employing a combination of microsegmentation and file integrity monitoring, security teams can significantly enhance their ability to not only prevent an incident but also to quickly respond—a massive reassurance for CISOs and the C-Suite alike.

This synergistic approach, found only with the TrueFort Platform, ensures a more resilient and proactive cybersecurity posture, which is crucial in today’s application and data-driven workplace.

If you’d like to know more about how FIM and microsegmentation can provide the best possible proactive network defense, and peace of mind, with the TrueFort Platform, please contact me to arrange a no-obligation demonstration. We’re here to help. 

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